Making a difference for Haiti

The NPH Special Needs Programme is committed both to providing the best possible service to those in our care and enhancing the general standard of services for people with special needs throughout Haiti.

Putting smiles on faces matters too

Our efforts in establishing high-quality teacher and therapist training and our outreach programme have increased the sustainability of our own Special Needs Programme. However, we also hope that through these efforts Haiti will become more self-reliant in the provision of therapeutic health care and education to its citizens with special needs.

Benefits for the wider community

According to the World Bank, Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Of a population of around 11 million, over 6 million live below the poverty line on less than $2.41 a day, and more than 2.1 million fall below the extreme poverty line, living on less than $1.23 a day.

Consequently, the benefits of the Special Needs Programme extend beyond the people it is directed at, reaching to those we employ and allowing more people to work who would otherwise be carers.

Kay Germaine

97 children receiving special education.
72 children receiving therapy one to two times a week.

Kay Gabriel

554 outpatients treated annually.
250 sessions of therapy every week.

Kay Eliane

64 outpatients treated 2 times a week.

Kay Christine

35 children and adults receive 24 hour home care in Kay Christine.

Through the NPH Professional Training Programme an estimated 700 children in Port de Paix currently receive treatment and/or education from NPH trained therapists and teachers.


With a country wide unemployment rate of between 70-80 per cent, our programme employs 124 people in the Port-au-Prince region.

Enide training students in fine motricity
Teacher Enide training students in fine motricity


Thousands of children with special needs are abandoned every year in Haiti. By advocating and providing support for children with special needs we have reduced the likelihood of abandonment by parents.

More about Haiti

See the World Bank’s overview of Haiti.

The Borgen Project also provides insights into living conditions in Haiti.