Why you can trust NPH Ireland
At NPH we depend on your financial support to maintain and develop the NPH Haiti Special Needs Programmes.
Signatory to the Charities Governance Code
NPH Ireland/OLBS has signed up for the Charities Governance Code as required by the Charity Authorities Ireland.
Directory of Irish Nonprofits
The Directory of Irish Nonprofits is the only directory of its type in Ireland. It was created to promote the transparency and digital accessibility of Ireland’s nonprofit sector. And we’re glad to be in it!
Financial statements 2022
Download our financial statements for 2022 (pdf).
Financial statements 2021
Download our financial statements for 2021 (pdf).
Financial statements 2020
Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, NPH Ireland significantly increased our expenditure on charitable causes in 2020. Download the full review (pdf).
Financial statements 2019
Download our financial statements for 2019 (pdf).
Misean Cara Effectiveness Review
Apart from running the organisation as best we possibly can, we welcome third-party views on our work and effectiveness.
In late 2020 Misean Cara carried out an effectiveness review of the NPH Haiti Special Needs Programmes, for which NPH Ireland carries out fundraising.
Misean Cara is an international and Irish faith-based missionary movement working with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable communities in developing countries.
You can download their review to see for yourself how they assessed our programmes.
“The resilience of the program, deep roots in the community, loyalty of families and staff, strong network with other initiatives and organisations in Haiti, all provide strength and reason to continue investing.”
(From the review)
Overview of disability in Haiti
Apart from its assessment of our programmes, the review includes a very helpful summary of the circumstances of disabled people in Haiti and explains the institutional and policy situation in the country.
Performance of NPH Haiti Special Needs
On a traffic light scale, the performance of NPH Haiti Special Needs predominantly rates at green or green/amber. The report acknowledges that any shortfalls are routinely the result of the extreme socio-economic challenges in Haiti.
“Staff, leadership and those trained in partner organisations at all levels have been clearly impacted by a meaningful education experience with NPFS that is based on human rights and dignity for all persons with disabilities. The united understanding of beneficiaries with disabilities as capable and worthy is at times the antithesis of what is believed and shown in the community outside of NPFS and throughout Haiti. This is also clearly reflected in what parents and families of beneficiaries learn.”